Friday, August 27, 2010


"I wanna a be a billionaire, so freaking bad.
Buy all of the things I've never had.
I wanna be on the cover of, Forbes magazine.
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen"

So many times have I mentioned before that I don't quite enjoy embedding videos on the blog, but this one (just like the others) is an exception. Hehe. I just have to share this, cause I bet my arms and legs that reading the words above makes you realise yes! this is what I wanna be. Not necessarily someone with money, but definitely with power. 

Money equals power anyway, or so I like to think. Call me shallow, but I have my own reason for believing what is thought ridiculous by others. Seeing live examples and sometime experiencing myself makes me open both eyes, with one looking forward contemplating the plans ahead while the other facing backward trying to learn from the past. And it's simply fortuitous that the song came right after I talked about the Fear book in the previous post, which incorporated in it is the power of err power. Hehe.

What makes me fall even more in love with the song, is the video clip itself. I was imagining men with bling bling, hot chicks grinding in a pool of dollar notes and designer items on every inch of the body prior to watching the video. But there was none of the abovementioned. Look for yourself :

Instead, they cleverly show glowing faces doing good deeds to portray the state of having the liberty to live whatever life you heart desires. You may wish for more money, but you know sometimes if not always, money is disastrous. But if we happen to have a full bag of it, why not share it with the needy? However different you interpretation of the clip might be from mine, I still believe being free is greatly coveted and envied.

Plus, I find Bruno Mars' voice really nice and he sings beautifully.

On a separate matter, I'm thinking of travelling alone to Morocco. What do you say? I've received a lot of negative reactions whenever I say this out loud. I need support, please. =)

This song has been on repeat every morning,


Anonymous said...

go for it!!! seriously!

Y A Z I R A said...

Thanks! Finally, one person thinks the idea is not crazy =)