Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"There is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over again and expect the results to be different", Albert Einstein once said (And that's how Ugly Betty defines insane people too)

Anyway, I've lived by this phrase for years. Call it absurd, but it's been my motivation to try something new and different for those useful years. I used to hear myself saying "I'll do it!" when I was all thrilled and electrified over something new. Be it the celebrity doctor diet program, the work placement opening or the volunteering opportunity.

However, the next second I was already thinking "But this can wait"
or, "when the time comes..then!"
or even, "but I don't have the power to do it"
then every small and possible excuses came avalanched down the mountain. And there I was again, going through the day with mundane routines. I was evidently a loser.

Then one day I found a book which has remarkably changed the way I deal with everyday life.
It has appreciably changed the way I make decisions.
Changed me in a lot of way that it'll take the whole decade of talking and listening to complete.

Let me introduce you to
Feel the Fear... And Do It Anyway!

It teaches you that having fear is normal, everyone has it. Multi-millionaires have it, celebrities have it, I feel it and you too. Look around, chances are those people are afraid of something. But what differentiate all the famous entrepreneurs and I is they managed to, in one way or another, confront the fear and deceive it. While I, on the other hand, successfully let fear barricades that road to triumph. But over the years I've learned and trained myself not to lose to this destructive weapon, fear.

Anyway, the phrase and book combined, I admit I'm nowhere close to fearless, but I feel so much better bringing myself about in the world. I've committed myself in what I've always wished to do. I'm glad.

It's not courage, peeps, It's fear.

We're working on something new and different =)
I remember the first ever baby step I took was initiating a blogshop. I was scared of the responses and feedbacks that I almost gave up. What if nobody wants to buy from me? Will people think negatively of my way of making money? What if I can't focus?

With the help of two amazing sisters, we slowly built an online business. We got more than what we bargained for, and finally launched two. Bulan Luna and Our Spring Cleaning. It was nothing big, but it was a huge success. We sold 90% of the stock in the first night alone. I was exhilarated beyond control. Proud of my sisters and myself. I knew we made great partners.

Unfortunately, both didn't last long. Due to time constraint, studies and work commitment, we had to cease the project. I'll continue one day, I promise.

If god permits that is,

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