Tuesday, June 8, 2010


iPhone 4 is OUT.

I'm so excited.

I like the multi-tasking feature especially.

Pre-order in the UK starts on the 15th of June, and arrives on the 24th.

Just in time for my birthday, eh?


It's really depressing looking at other people enjoying their summer break while you still have three more papers. Can't wait for next week, and I'll be enjoying my freedom.


Books calling,


ddreamer said...

eh bukan kau pakai BB ke yaz la ni?

Y A Z I R A said...

aah, but i'm thinking of changing now... turning over a new leaf and join u guys, hehehe =)

ddreamer said...

hehe nice2 kembali ke pangkal jalan. hohoho

Anonymous said...

iPhone rocks bikini bottom! Hehe

Errr is that ur drink. Have u heard of err mavi Marmara? Rachel Corrie? Flotilla? Stop supporting walaupun da tkde air sgt LOL I'm an activist now. Well remotely la lol