Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It was Sunday, and we were all lazing around in the living room watching tele, reading newspaper and discussing random topics on the country itself, the continent and the world, all at once, when suddenly the front door opened. There stood my mum. As how all mums would act upon seeing their children idling, she put both hands on waist and turned red. Oh oh, we were in trouble.

And when she opened her mouth and started talking about a friend's sons who allegedly are exceptional at doing house chores, we knew we were in MAJOR trouble. Comparing us girls to her friends' sons is like the red light alert when a volcano is erupting. Soon, she was barfing lava.

Then as usual, we would have our siblings meeting. How could we forget the rule of thumb? Whenever she comes back from a friend's house, just pretend like you're busy. Arrange the dishes. or do your bed. or sweep the floor. or split the pile of unironed laundry so that it doesn't seem too high, at the very least. Snap forehead everyone.

Anyway after a very elaborated discussion, we decided to bake raya cookies. Chocolate Chip to be exact, because it's the easiest. and because we've been doing it every raya. But we would try different recipe every year, from various sources. The internet, chef wan's, neiman marcus', friend's recipe, friend of friend's. You name it. But the best has always been the one mum gave us, scribbled in her 25-year-old notebook. Last year, we got a little involved in business that we tried to sell our cookies. And the biggest fan? Brother-in-law's family. Haha. I always like how they support us endlessly.

Chocolate Chip cookies
Well, they may not look so edible at first sight, but trust me, this is the best we've ever done in a decade!! We ourselves were quite surprised of how they turned out to be. Crispy and chocolate-rich. Just the way I like it.

And because we got quite messed up with the quantity, we decided to make Honey Cornflake too. I'm sure everyone knows how to do it, hehe.

Have one!
Ohh, I was trying one of those tudung sarung everyone in Malaysia seems to be wearing. I despised it in the beginning because it makes me feel messy, but now can't take it off. Hehe. Thank you.

I look like someone from a neighbour country.
No puns intended.

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