Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's krghepes

Before the exam, I received a text message from a friend.
what do you say to giulia's crepes? she's half french.
me : sounds really good !!
her : ok, six o'clock.

So, after two-and-a-half hour of horror and bad experience in the examination hall (I left my pencil case at home, only left with two blue pens) I was ready to glut myself on food - any food. And then another text came in asking me to bring Nutella.

Perfect. Chocolate was exactly what I needed.

I just found out that it's soo easy to make crepes!! All you need is 500g of flour, 6 eggs, 2 pints of milk and butter - and a jar of marmalade and a pot of nutella to serve six.

Anyway, she was teaching us how to say the name correctly throughout. For someone who speaks french, italian and spanish, of course she has no problem pronouncing it. We had a hard time ohhh !!

So, ladies and gentlemen, the name is kghepe. K-R-PHELGM-E-P. kghrepe.

Well done !! :) Now, give yourself a pat on the back.

By the way, the batter has to be left for about half an hour after mixing to allow the bubbles to settle. Then you can use a flat pan to to cook it, just like pancakes but thinner.

They were really good and delicious! Seriously! We were all busy gorging ourselves that I forgot to take pictures of the ready ones. I don't even remember how they looked like, hehe, but I'm sure it was something like this :

Source :

I was actually quite surprised that eating crepes alone for dinner could make me full. But I was one satisfied, stuffed, bloated girl when I went back.

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