Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The First Trip

All those in favour say "aye". AYYYEE!!
Those opposed say "no". NNOOOOO!!

So, this is the everyday scene in the House of Commons chamber. I'm sure all members have mastered two skills, the Aye's and No's and the art of tilting the head to one side with both eyes shut, only to later explain that he/she was merely listening to the built-in speakers on the bench while focusing on the debate. If you believe that, you'll believe every fool in the world.

Picture credit to Basir
And, you guessed it right, I was at the Palace of Westminster today. Or also known as the Houses of Parliament. Despite the busy schedule, I managed to escape the morning workshop and brought myself here. I never thought that this old building could be so full of interesting stories. Or at least for someone who always fail her history test, it really IS interesting.

Picture credit to Basir
In my opinion, however, the voice vote is quite funny. I bet the Speaker will go damn! which one was louder? and more often than not, a recorded vote (division) has to be carried out. Now, this is where it gets more amusing.

When a division is demanded, the doorkeeper rings the bell to signal the MPs to file into one of the two lobbies alongside the chamber, with the Aye's to the right and No's to the left.

The bellring can be heard within a quarter of a mile from the building and they only have eight minutes to drop the coffee, stub out the cigarette, leave the conversation and get into the room.

The doors are then locked, the clerks record their names, and votes are counted as the members leave the lobby to re-enter the chamber. All manually done in less than five minutes. Efficient eh?

Walking up the stairs to the Strangers (yes they mean Public) seats
Besides listening to the House of Commons debate, we were also shown the House of Lords Chamber and were given a short presentation by the Parliamentary Outreach. They were explaining how the parliament and government work in the uk when I fell asleep.

Not that I intentionally dozed off, but I slept at two trying to find information for our techno-economic project. And had to wake up at six to get to Westminster by half past eight. And with a full day yesterday, I deserved my power nap ok.

Anyway, while we were walking back to the entrance, the bell rang. It was quite loud, and we saw people heading towards the House of Commons Chamber. RUNNING! Haa the clock was ticking..

Today was also Ed Miliband's first appearance in the House sitting since becoming Leader of Labour Party.

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